agentii de pariuri.

Asian handicap betting

November 27, 2011 in Exclusiv, Gambling, Gambling Romania, news

Asian Handicap has been introduced to reduce sports like football with 3 marks (1 x 2) only two signs (1 and 2). It is understandable what the term favorite substitutes and underdog (or simply dog) represents the less chance team in that game. Besides these two terms there is the notion of betting value. This is a number equal to the product of mathematical odds and probability of that event to happen. Unfortunately, this equation has a great unknown probability of success of that bet, it can be approximated only with experience. When this number is greater than or equal […]

Live betting

November 3, 2011 in Exclusiv, Gambling, Gambling Africa, Gambling America, Gambling Asia & Oceania, Gambling Europa, Gambling Romania

If sports betting is entertaining and imply continuous information, live betting is more attractive since you can bet while watching the event. Live betting is placed during the development of the event. More and more sports betting (and others also) can be watched on television or on different internet networks. Practically, many betting agencies have tv screens installed inside where you can watch football or tennis games, as well as horses and whippet races. If you are at home, in front of the tv, you can easily access the specialized channels where the games developing around the world are live […]