Moscow police raid illegal casino worth millions
Police in Moscow have raided another illegal gambling den in the north of the city, disguised as a VIP members club with only invited and pre-arranged appointments accepted entry is thought to have brought in $1.4 million in revenues a week for the operators.
Following the raid thirty customers and twenty staff and managers were arrested. As the raid took place staff tried to burn documents and evidence linking the operators to the casino.
The illegal casino had some sixty slot machines, five poker tables and five roulette tables, the security surrounding the business was impressive police spokesman said, “the casino was disguised as a well-guarded private club, equipped with armoured doors. Security personnel let people inside after prior agreement with the management,” said the police spokesman.
Since the ban on casinos came into force on July 1, 2009 hundreds of illegal casinos have sprung up over the city. It is believed billions of dollars are still gambled illegally every year in Moscow. Police seem to be failing in enforcing the ban, with many officials arrested themselves for corruption in links with illegal casino operators.
Raid al politiei intr-un cazinou din Moscova
Politia din Moscova a descins intr-o locatie din nordul orasului unde se desfasurau activitati de gambling ilegale. Locatia era deghizata intr-un club VIP privat unde persoanele care intrau in club erau pre-stabilite si se crede ca operatorii cazinoului ilegal ar fi incasat venituri saptamanale de $1,4 milioane pe saptamana.
In urma descinderii treizeci de clienti si douazeci de membrii ai staff-ului precum si managerii au fost arestati. Membrii ai staff-ului au dorit sa arda documente si dovezi care faceau legatura intre operatori si cazinou.
In incinta cazinoului ilegal existau 60 de aparate tip slot machine, 5 mese de poker si 5 rulete, securitatea locatiei era de asemenea impresionanta beneficiind de usi blindate. Personalul de securitate lasau jucatorii sa intre doar cu acceptul managementului.
Dupa interzicerea jocurilor de noroc, din data de 1 Iulie 2009, sute de cazinouri ilegale au aparut in oras. Se crede ca miliarde de dolari sunt jucate in fiecare an in Moscova. Se pare ca politia este depasita in incercarea de a eradica total jocul de noroc, foarte multi oficiali au fost arestati pentru fapte de coruptie legate de cazinourile ilegale.