Ministry of Finances.

The Chinese Lottery, from the Great Wall to the century of speed

May 10, 2011 in Wog

With a history over five millenniums, China comes to the fore with the most ancient lottery formula in the entire world, Named Keno that appeared during Han dynasty, between year 205 and 187 BC. In that period, when certain states didn’t even exist, the Chinese people played the lottery. Some say that even the Great Wall of China was built with the funds raised from lottery. At first, the most ancient lottery in the world had a realistic purpose, to alphabetize the Chinese children. Keno, made of a poem of 1000 non repetitive rimes, had to help the little ones […]

The Chinese Lottery, from the Great Wall to the century of speed

February 20, 2011 in Wog

With a history over five millenniums, China comes to the fore with the most ancient lottery formula in the entire world, Named Keno that appeared during Han dynasty, between year 205 and 187 BC. In that period, when certain states didn’t even exist, the Chinese people played the lottery. Some say that even the Great Wall of China was built with the funds raised from lottery. At first, the most ancient lottery in the world had a realistic purpose, to alphabetize the Chinese children. Keno, made of a poem of 1000 non repetitive rimes, had to help the little ones […]