

December 3, 2011 in Exclusiv, Gambling

Either about gambling or just set against the backdrop of a casino, there are some excellent movies out there which make it worthy for us to continue our journey in the gambling movies world. The Sting (1973) Johnny Hooker (played by Robert Redford) is a young cheater  which is mentored by Luther Coleman. After pulling of a scam, a mob boss, Doyle Lonigan (impersonated by Robert Shaw) gave the order for them to be killed.  Johnny Hooker  bribes a corrupt police man and gets away, but Luther doesn’t share his luck. After the death of his mentor, Johnny calls on […]

Best gambling and poker movies Part II Play with the best ones…

November 10, 2011 in Exclusiv, Gambling, Gambling Africa, Gambling America, Gambling Asia & Oceania, Gambling Europa, Gambling Romania

Along time, the fascination for winnings and gaming have interested the movie directors and actors who brought to live many interesting, mysterious and ingenuous characters On our previous edition of the magazine we brought to your attention The Hustler (with Paul Newman and Jackz Gleason), Maverick (with Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster and James Coburn) and Rounders (with Matt Damon and Edward Norton). These movies must be watched, each one has a special charm and the characters are sublime. We want to propose more movies that a gambling lover should not miss. Two For The Money (2005) The movie is considered […]